Simple Wholegrain Basmati

A few years ago I'd have laughed if you'd told me that at any point in the future I'd opt for wholegrain instead of white rice... but now, I honestly think I prefer the wholegrain stuff. As well as being much healthier, it has more flavour too - is much more substantial tasting - and the next day is absolutely delicious as a rice salad. In particular, this simple recipe is quick (except the pre-soaking) and tastes delicious; it works really well as an accompaniment to curries or fish dishes.


  • 1 Mug Wholegrain Basmati Rice
  • 1 tsp Salt (for soaking)
  • 1 Onion
  • Olive Oil
  • 8 Peppercorns
  • Pinch Salt (for cooking)
  • Half a stick of Cinammon
  • Water (or Stock)
  • Cabbage Leaf (optional, to serve!)

Wash the Brown Rice really carefully in a bowl full of water, draining and rinsing at least two or three times before leaving in the fridge for a few hours in a large bowl of luke warm water, with 1 tsp Salt stirred in

[If you don't have time for pre-soaking, add some time to cooking as it will just take a little longer]

When you want to eat – slice 1 Onion and heat some Olive Oil in a saucepan

Cook the Onion gently in the hot Oil, together with the stick of Cinammon, the Peppercorns, and a pinch of Salt

When the Onions are starting to brown slightly, add the drained Rice, stirring all the time

When the Rice is coated in Oil and the Onions – add enough Water or Stock to cover the Rice by 5mm or so.  Put a circle of paper over the Water, bring to the boil, put the lid on and cook over a medium heat for 6 minutes…  After 6 minutes, move the saucepan to a low heat and cook for a further 6 minutes

At this stage – test the Rice… it should be starting to stick to the bottom of the pan slightly – you might even hear a bit of sound to this effect when you lift the lid

If the Rice is cooked – leave it to stand for 10 minutes before serving… If it needs longer, put it back on a low heat, covered with the lid for a few minutes

Season to taste, and serve this Rice however you fancy – in a slightly steamed Cabbage leaf is a nice option?!

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