Wholegrain Basmati Rice

Another version of pilav - which is a dish my husband seems to have become slightly addicted to since we quit cholesterol-ey meals... No bad thing since it is healthy, features no saturated fat, and is brilliant the next day as leftovers. I used broad beans and spinach, but you could use peas, kale, broccoli, any kind of greens at all really!


  • Wholegrain Basmati Rice
  • Onion
  • Broad Beans
  • Kale
  • AllSpice
  • Olive Oil

Before you cook you need to wash the Basmati Rice (and soak for 4 hours ish) and then you need to cut a circle of greaseproof paper out – it needs to be the same size as your saucepan!

To wash the Rice – fill a large bowl with 1 mug of rice for 2 people (more if you want leftovers) and pour cold water all over it.  Gently rub the Rice with your fingertips to try and remove all the starch from the outside… The water will go cloudy – use a sieve to strain the Rice – rinse it under the tap and then put it back in the bowl and pour cold water all over it again.  Wash and repeat at least 3 times (or until the water is clear).  Then pour tepid water to cover the Rice – stir in a teaspoon of Salt – and leave, covered, in the fridge for a couple of hours (4 preferably!)

About half an hour before you want to eat – finely slice an Onion and gently fry in a good drizzle of Extra Virgin Olive oil. Add a pinch of Allspice

When the Onion is starting to brown – drain the Rice and add it to the pan – adding more Olive Oil to get the rice totally coated.  Keep stirring so rice doesn’t burn

Season, stir and add water to cover the rice by 5mm.  Cover Rice with the paper and a lid – and cook on a medium heat for 5 mins

After 5 mins, turn the heat right down and cook on low for another 5 mins

After this time, check the Rice is cooked – Wholegrain Rice sometimes can take longer to cook – especially if you haven’t soaked it for very long – just pop the paper and lid back on, and gently cook for a few more minutes.  Add a dash of water if the Rice isn’t cooked but it looks too dry…  Rice shouldn’t have any liquid left when it is properly cooked

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