Salmon with Coriander Crust

Oily fish like salmon is super good for you in terms of reducing your cholesterol levels - and this recipe is quick to make as well as being very delicious. You could easily replace the fresh coriander with dill, chives or parsley.


  • Salmon
  • 5 tbsp Fresh Coriander
  • 1/4 Fresh Chilli
  • 1 Clove Garlic
  • Olive Oil

Pre-heat the oven to 180˚c

Whizz up a slice of Sourdough Bread (White Bread would do here), 5 tbsp of fresh coriander, 1/4 of a fresh Chilli and 1 Clove Garlic in a food processor

Sprinkle the Breadcrumb mixture over pieces of Salmon on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper

Drizzle with a little Olive Oil and cook for 15 minutes or until the Salmon is just done…

This is great with a pilav or some noodles; if you used parsley or dill etc it would work brilliantly with a potato salad and a dollop of 0% Greek Yoghurt

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