Cucumber, Beet & Orange Salad

This salad looks very dramatic - and tastes great. Served with some bean fritters or falafel, and some flatbread and tahini - and you might just be in heaven, in a tasty tustle of beans combined with zesty, fresh vegetables, salad and fruit. This dish is super easy to prepare (and cook; the beetroot needs roasting), but it is also super nutritious. Who said healthy (and low cholesterol) wasn't delicious?


  • Beetroot – scrubbed
  • Red Onion
  • Cucumber
  • Orange

To cook the Beetroot – pre-heat the oven to 200˚c

Put the scrubbed Beetroot in a foil parcel, sliced. Add a couple of tablespoons of Red Wine Vinegar (and a sprinkle of Salt) and seal the parcels

Cook for 1 hour or slightly longer – basically until the Beetroot is soft to the point of a knife

Let the Beetroot cool

In the meantime, peel and slice the Orange

Finely slice the Onion

Slice the Cucumber

Lay the sliced Beetroot, Orange, Cucumber and Onion on a plate

Serve with Middle Eastern mezze – flatbread, maybe a pilav, some grilled or roasted fish or chicken?

Is delicious with some tahini sauce

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